Daily Devotionals

The Call to Forgiveness

Scripture: Ephesians 4:32 (NIV) – “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”


Forgiveness is a foundational aspect of the Christian faith and a direct command from Scripture. Ephesians 4:32 not only instructs us to forgive but also connects our forgiveness to the profound example of Christ’s forgiveness toward us. This verse reminds us that forgiveness is not optional; it is essential. Forgiving others can be challenging, especially when the hurt is deep, but holding onto bitterness and resentment only harms us and hinders our relationship with God and others. True forgiveness frees us from the bondage of past hurts and opens the path to healing and reconciliation.

Today, let’s embrace the challenge and blessing of forgiveness through these intentional actions:

  1. Reflect on God’s Forgiveness: Consider the extent of God’s forgiveness toward you. Meditating on His grace can empower you to extend forgiveness to others.
  2. Identify Unforgiveness: Take a moment to assess if there are people in your life whom you need to forgive. Acknowledge any harbored bitterness or resentment and decide to let it go.
  3. Pray for a Forgiving Heart: Ask God to soften your heart and to help you forgive those who have wronged you. Prayer can transform your attitude and enable you to forgive genuinely.
  4. Seek Reconciliation: Whenever possible, take steps to reconcile with those you’ve forgiven. This might involve a conversation, a letter, or simply a decision to treat them with kindness and respect moving forward.
  5. Practice Regular Forgiveness: Make forgiveness a regular practice. Daily ask God to help you forgive as you have been forgiven, keeping short accounts with friends and family.

Action Plan:

  1. List the names of people you need to forgive and pray specifically for each situation. Ask God to help you release any bitterness and to replace it with His peace and love.
  2. Memorize Ephesians 4:32 as a constant reminder of your call to forgive. Recite it daily or when you feel resentment creeping in.
  3. Write a letter of forgiveness to someone. You don’t have to send it, but the act of writing it can be a powerful step towards emotional healing.
  4. Set up a meeting or a call with someone you’ve had a strained relationship with to seek reconciliation. Approach the conversation with humility and readiness to forgive.
  5. Share your experience with forgiveness in a small group or with a close friend. Discussing your journey can provide encouragement and accountability.

As you work through the process of forgiving others, you may find that it not only changes your relationships but also brings you closer to God. Forgiveness is not always easy, but it is always worth it. It is a profound act of obedience that reflects the heart of Christ and leads to true freedom and peace.

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