Daily Devotionals

Seeking God’s Kingdom First

Scripture: Matthew 6:33 (NIV) – “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”


In a world filled with distractions and priorities that compete for our attention, Matthew 6:33 calls us to prioritize our spiritual life above all else. Seeking God’s kingdom first means aligning our daily choices, aspirations, and actions with God’s will and purposes. This pursuit is not merely about religious observance but involves a deep commitment to live according to God’s righteousness in every aspect of life. When we prioritize His kingdom, we are promised that our essential needs will be met. This assurance allows us to focus on spiritual growth and service, trusting God to take care of the rest.

Today, let’s explore practical ways to prioritize God’s kingdom in our daily lives:

  1. Align Daily Decisions with God’s Word: Make a conscious effort to base your choices on biblical principles, asking yourself whether your decisions reflect God’s desires.
  2. Increase Your Spiritual Disciplines: Commit to regular practices such as prayer, Bible study, and worship, making these the cornerstone of your daily routine.
  3. Serve Others Actively: Look for opportunities to serve within your community and church. Serving others is a practical way to extend God’s kingdom on earth.
  4. Simplify Your Lifestyle: Evaluate your lifestyle choices and possessions. Simplifying can help reduce distractions and free up resources and time to focus more on God’s work.
  5. Share Your Faith: Be proactive about sharing the gospel and your personal faith journey with others, inviting them to experience the joy and peace found in Christ.

Action Plan:

  1. Begin each day by asking God to show you how to seek His kingdom first. Use this prayer to set your intentions for the day.
  2. Identify areas in your life where worldly concerns have taken precedence over spiritual growth. Make a plan to adjust these areas.
  3. Commit to a specific service project or role in your church or community. Make this a regular part of your schedule.
  4. Organize a small group Bible study or discussion group focused on the theme of seeking God’s kingdom.
  5. Challenge yourself to share your faith with at least one person this week. Prepare a personal testimony or message that you feel comfortable sharing.

As you focus on seeking God’s kingdom and His righteousness, may you experience the peace and assurance that come from living in alignment with His will. Trust that as you put God first, He will provide for your needs and guide your steps in every area of life.

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