Daily Devotionals

Finding Rest in God

Scripture: Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV) – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”


In the busyness of life, we often carry heavy burdens—stress, worries, responsibilities, and the weight of unmet expectations. These burdens can leave us feeling weary, both physically and spiritually. Yet, Jesus offers us a profound invitation in Matthew 11:28-29: to come to Him and find rest. This rest is not merely a break from our activities but a deep, soul-refreshing peace that comes from surrendering our burdens to Christ. It is in His gentle and humble presence that we can lay down our anxieties and find true rest. When we take His yoke upon us, we align ourselves with His grace and allow Him to carry our burdens alongside us.

Today, let us embark on a journey of finding rest in God through these intentional actions:

  1. Come to Jesus: Begin by intentionally coming to Jesus in prayer. Bring your burdens, worries, and fatigue to Him, trusting that He cares deeply about your well-being.
  2. Accept His Yoke: Embrace the invitation to take Jesus’ yoke upon you. This means surrendering your way of handling life’s challenges and trusting in His guidance and wisdom.
  3. Learn from Christ: Spend time learning from Jesus through His Word. Reflect on His teachings and character, allowing them to shape your approach to life’s demands.
  4. Prioritize Rest: Make rest a priority in your life. This could be physical rest, like getting enough sleep, or spiritual rest, like setting aside time for quiet reflection and prayer.
  5. Practice Sabbath: Consider observing a Sabbath—a day of rest dedicated to God. Use this time to disconnect from work and stress, focusing on worship, relaxation, and renewal in His presence.

Action Plan:

  1. Set aside a quiet time each day this week to come to Jesus in prayer. Use this time to unload your burdens and ask Him to give you His rest.
  2. Memorize Matthew 11:28-29 and recite it whenever you feel overwhelmed or exhausted. Let these words remind you of the rest that Jesus offers.
  3. Identify one area of your life where you are carrying unnecessary burdens. Practice surrender by asking Jesus to help you release these burdens and trust in His care.
  4. Plan a day of Sabbath rest this week. Disconnect from work, technology, and stress, and dedicate this time to worship, reflection, and activities that rejuvenate your spirit.
  5. Spend time reading and reflecting on a passage from the Gospels each day, focusing on the life and teachings of Jesus. Let His example guide you in finding rest for your soul.

As you intentionally seek rest in God, may you find the peace and renewal that only He can provide. Trust that in coming to Jesus, you will experience the true rest that refreshes your soul and strengthens you for the journey ahead. Let His gentle and humble heart guide you into a deeper, more restful relationship with Him.